Stain Remover Oxi-Power effectively combats more than 100 different stains and prevents greying and even slight discoloration. It makes colored clothing and textiles look like new again. The powerful Oxi-Power formula removes stains up to 30 % better than a wash cycle with detergent alone. This was the result of a comparative test in the laboratory when washing at 40 °C with detergent and 50 g of Color Fresh stain remover salt vs. a wash cycle at 40 °C with detergent and without Color Fresh stain remover salt. The formula also ensures hygienic cleanliness. The product is effective at low temperatures from 20 °C and can help to save energy and costs. It does not contain chlorine bleach or perfume. Not suitable for wool or silk.
- Laundry Supplies
- Dr. Beckmann Online
- Fleckenentferner
- Stain Remover Salt